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Currently, there is no web-based, 3D car modeling application based on POV-Ray. This lack of a user-friendly, easily accessible and widely available interface to POV-Ray limits the number of people interested in using it. Potential users must have both the computing power and the coding skills to create even a simple car model. To address these issues, we developed a mobile web system that allows users to generate 3D car models by interfacing the web browser with POV-Ray as the ray-tracing application back-end. This platform offers many features such as color, texture, background, resolution, viewing angle, and car style selections to craft a unique user designed 3D car model image or animation. While this system is developed as a proof of concept for a specific object (a car), it provides all the building blocks to serve as a more general-purpose platform to model almost any object.

Project Architecture

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User Guide

Software & Add-Ons