Styling elements with a class

This is the first short paragraph. Just a sentence or two to show something with a class. It has the attribute class="special".

This is another brief paragraph. Like the first, just a sentence or two to show something else belonging to the same class. It has the attribute class="special".

This in a normal paragraph, with no class and no special styling. The two paragraphs above can be selected to have a different style rule by using their class. Notice that the . symbol is used in the stylesheet, but NOT in the class.

This is another normal paragraph, with no class and no special styling. It is here just to be a paragraph.

The style rules

    body {background-color: white; color: black}
    p.special { background-color: blue; 
               color: yellow; 
               font-size: x-large; 
               font-weight: bold; 
               font-style: italic
               }style: italic;