Different elements can belong to the same class

First part of the example [h2]

This is the first short paragraph. Just a sentence or two to show something with a class. It is marked up with [p class="special"]. This is some text in the paragraph that is marked up with [em class="extra_special"].

This in a normal paragraph. It doesn't belong to a class and has no special styling. It is here just to be another paragraph.

Second part. [h2 class="extra_special"]

This is another brief paragraph. It is just a sentence or two to show something else belonging to a class. It has the property class="special".

This is a normal paragraph. It doesn't belong to a class and has no special styling as a paragraph. It is here just to be a paragraph. This is This is some text in the paragraph that is marked up with [strong class="special"].

The style rules

   body {background-color: white; color: black}
    *.special { background-color: blue; 
               color: yellow; 
               font-size: large; 
               font-style: italic
    *.extra_special { background-color: yellow; 
                      color: green; 