Prosperity Savings Accounts
For every $1 that you save, Prosperity Savings Accounts, otherwise known as Individual Development Accounts, add a $3 match to your savings so that you can go to college, start a business or buy a house. Or, you could purchase a car with a $1 savings match.
How do I apply for a Prosperity Savings Account?
- Step 1: Register for a Prosperity Center Orientation to determine whether or not you pre-qualify.
- Step 2: Once you have completed the orientation and determined that you’re pre-qualified, you will receive an online application link. Complete the application and gather the required documentation.
- Step 3: Meet with a Prosperity Center representative to finalize the application process.
- Step 4: If you’re approved, open your Prosperity Savings Account and begin saving towards making your dreams a reality!
Prosperity Savings Account Forms and Documents
- Prosperity Account Savings Manual
- Required Documents
- 3 Simple Budget Steps
- Household Budget - Excel
- Household Budget - PDF
- Click Here for a Free Credit Report
- Financial Education Record
- Mentor Report
The software used to manage the Prosperity Savings Accounts, Outcome Tracker, powered by a generous grant from Nymeo.