IT581: Practicum in Web Development, Summer 2015 (Hybrid)

Lab Exercise 2: Create a web resume

Note: You should make a folder on your Z-drive (or on a portable drive) for your work for this course.

Edit a document

Get prepared

  1. Open the Firefox browser and navigate to these instructions. Leave the browser window open.
  2. Open the Crimson Editor text editor.
  3. Keep both the browser and the editor windows open. (it saves time.)
  4. Here is a file containing some plain text.
    • It will open in a new window.
    • You must make a copy of it to edit for this exercise.
    • The simplest way to make a copy is to copy the text into the clipboard and then paste into Crimson Editor.
    • After you have it in the editor, save your document.
    • Be sure you know where you saved it.
    • Give your saved document the file name IT581_lab02.html.

View your document

  1. Open your saved document (menu choice: File|Open) in the browser, and look at it
  2. The browser view will be all run together because there is not yet any HTML markup.

Edit your document

  1. Insert your own name following "Page author"
  2. Insert the date you complete it after "Last updated".
  3. Add the HTML markup tags so that the document structure is approximately like the view in this screenshot.
  4. The appearance will vary somewhat depending on the browser type and settings, window size, and monitor settings.
  5. Think about the structure - what is each part of the document.
  6. Your source code should be a complete HTML document with html, head, and body elements, similar to the finished examples.
  7. You will use the following HTML elements in your work: html, head, body, title, h1, h2, p, br, hr, em.
  8. Validate your page before submission

Check your progress

Submit the lab work using Blackboard

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Last Modified: 03 July 2015. 20:23