IT581: Practicum in Web Development, Summer 2015 (Hybrid)


Browser Add-ons

Online Validators and Code Checkers

Note: All of these validators can also be used directly from the Web Developer Toolbar for Firefox.

Design tools: fonts, colors, and more


General Sites

  • A List Apart Online magazine on Web Design. Articles by top professionals.
  • css Zen Garden/ - Showcasing the beauty and versatility of CSS.
  • CSS Edge - Examples, articles, and more by Eric Meyer (CSS guru).
  • Articles and papers by Jakob Nielsen (Usability Guru)
  • W3 Schools - Tutorials and references. Not in-depth, but good for a quick intro.
  • Web Design References Comprehensive lists of resources at University of Minnesota, Duluth.
  • The "articles" and "CSS" sections have some good info and links.

Professional Associations

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Last Modified: 07 July 2015. 16:09