IT581: Practicum in Web Development, Summer 2015 (Hybrid)

Use Hyperlinks, Ids and classes

Due at the end of class session. You may have 24 hours extension.

Save the practice page

Make a copy of the basic HTML for Lab 05. You may change the name to something shorter if you wish. However, Do NOT use spaces in the file name.

Edit the comments near the beginning to add your own name and the date.

There is a screenshot of the finished product at the end of this page. You can click on it to see an enlargement. Your task is to add hyperlinks (anchor tags), IDs, and styles to the document.

Add hyperlinks and IDs

For this exercise, you will add hyperlinks to the page.

  1. First, in the opening paragraph, the text "The Lorem Ipsum Site" should be a link to that web site. Add the necessary anchor <a>tag and the href attribute with value "".

  2. Second, the page is supposed to have navigation menus--horizontal lists of links--at the top and bottom.
    • the top of the page will have links to targets within the same page.
    • add the necessary ids and anchor tags in the appropriate places in the document. The first one has already been done to provide an example
    • the bottom of the practice page will have links to other pages, on different servers.
    • add the two anchor tags. The URLs for the href values will be and

Add styles

Now add a little style to the page.

Submit the lab work using Blackboard

When you are finished, submit your web document using Blackboard..

Click to enlarge

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Last Modified: 14 July 2015. 12:22