IT581: Practicum in Web Development, Summer 2015 (Hybrid)

Publishing Web documents

Due 11:59pm on July 20. You are strongly encouraged to finish this exercise. No class time will be given on Monday, Q & A only.

Background: About Servers

  • As long your HTML document is on your local computer (or your Z drive or a removable disk), no one else can see it.
  • You must publish your document file so that you or other users can browse to it it over the Web.
  • To publish it, you copy it to a computer that has a Web server software that lets it respond to requests.
  • You need to be allocated space on the server's system.
  • You usually need to sign on with a username and password before you can store files.
  • If the server is a separate computer, you must use a file transfer program to copy it.

Your Account For this class

  • You have been given an account (username, password, and storage space) on the computer
  • Wyrd is a PC running the Linux operating system and the Apache web server program.

Your web page URL

  • Your web site will be found at with your own login username instead of abc123
  • (Note: the ~ is on the key above the Tab key)
  • Type it into the browser and see what happens.

File Transfer(FTP) Program for this class

  • The file transfer program we will use in class is the FireFTP add-on for the Firefox browser.
  • If you do not have FireFTP installed on Firefox, go ahead and install it now.

Notes on file names

  • The name in a URL must be typed exactly the same as the file name, including case
    • On most web servers, file names are case sensitive
    • file names are case-sensitive
  • Do not use spaces in web file names.
    • The space is supposed to mark the end of a URL.
    • Some browsers will guess what is intended and fix spaces up, but some will not.
    • If you put spaces in file names, some users will not be able to view your documents.
    • If you want to distinguish parts of a file name, use an underscore.

Activity 1: Get Set Up

A. Get connected

Your tasks

  1. Start FireFTP
    • Tools:Web Developer:FireFTP
    • Note that this is not the Web Developer Extension.
    • FireFTP will create a split window in your browser
  2. Sellect "Quick Connect"
  3. In the "Main" tab, type in "" and YOUR OWN login username and password.
  4. In the "Connection" tab, choose SFTP for the Security.

What you should see

  • You should see a split window.
  • left side: shows your local files.
  • right side: shows your space on
    • It is a view of your file listing on the remote computer.
    • It will be empty until you create some files there.

What might go wrong:

  • If the program says "Unable to make a connection. Please try again."
    • Check to be sure "" is typed correctly
    • Check to be sure SFTP is selected as for Security
  • If the program is connected, but asks again for your login information,
    • Be sure both your username and your password are typed correctly.
    • Both the usename and password are case-sensitive, so also check the Caps-Lock key.

B. Make a place for your Web Files


  • The Web server on is only allowed to show files that you store in a special directory (folder)
  • the directory name must be public_html.
  • if a file is not within that directory, it cannot be seen on the Web.

Your tasks :

  1. Right-click in the empty right area.
  2. Choose "create Directory" from the dropdown.
  3. Give the newly created folder the name public_html. Be sure to
    • use all lower case - the name is case sensitive
    • include the underscore in the middle
  4. You should see the public_html folder listed on the right hand side of the split window
  5. Double-click on the new folder to see the contents. (There won't be any at first).

C. Look at your Web Site

Your tasks

  1. Do not close the FireFTP tab, keep it open.
  2. Open a new copy of Firefox (or open Chrome if you prefer)
  3. Enter the URL
    1. Replace "abc123" with your own assigned username.
    2. The tilde (~) is on the upper left of the keyboard.
  4. Keep the browser window open, do not close it

The result

  • The first time, you should see a listing headed "Index of..."
  • There won't be any files listed yet.
  • Later the view will change.

Activity 2: Publish A Document On Your Site

A. Get some files:

Your tasks

Upload a document file

Copying a file to the server is called uploading.

  1. Switch back to the FireFTP window
  2. Browse through the folders in the left window until you find where you saved the lab 06 HTML document.
  3. Then drag and drop that file from the left window to the right window.
  4. Be sure you copy it into the public_html directory.
  5. Keep the FireFTP window open, do not close it

Look at your web site

  1. Switch back to the browser window
  2. Refresh the browser (Click the swirling arrows on the navigation toolbar.) - you should see your file listed.
  3. If you do not see your file, you probably did not copy it into the public_html directory.
    1. Try again.
    2. Be sure you copy it into the public_html directory.
  4. Click on your file's name to view the page.
  5. Look in the location box on the navigation toolbar. The URL of your web document should be

    with your own username after the ~.
  6. Click the browser's back button to go back to the directory index

Upload related files


  • Your published will not look the same as the original.
  • the page uses an external style sheet
  • the web server cannot see your local copy of the style sheet file
  • the stylesheet has to be on the server too

Your tasks

  1. Upload the stylesheet file the same way you did the HTML document (switch back to FireFTP)
  2. Refresh the browser - you should now see both the HTML file and the CSS file in the listing
  3. Click on your file's name to view the page - it should now be using the styles

What can go wrong

  • If you do not see the CSS file in the listing along with the HTML file
    1. Be sure you refreshed the browser
    2. Be sure you copied the file into the public_html directory
  • If your page isn't using the styles
    1. Refresh the browser
    2. Check that you copied the CSS file into the public_html directory
    3. Check that you saved the css file with the original name

Activity 3: Hide The Directory Listing

Background: The index.html file name

  • Most of the time you do not want the world to see the listing of your public_html directory contents
  • you usually want a "home" page to be displayed right away.
  • The system is configured to show a default page from your public_html directory
  • the file for the default page must named index.html (all lowercase)
  • if your public_html contains a file name index.html, the Apache web server will serve that file instead of making a directory index listing.
  • So to hide the directory listing from public view, put a file named index.html in your public_html.

Your tasks

  1. Be sure your site directory listing is showing in the browser window.
  2. Modify a short HTML document - Start with this basic page.
    • The title and heading should be your name. Replace the "[your name]" with your own name.
    • It should have one paragraph that says: "This is my site index page. It doesn't say much at this point."
  3. Save it with the name "index.html"
  4. Upload it into your public_html directory
  5. Refresh the browser that shows your site

What you should see

  • You should see your index.html page displayed in the browser window
  • You should not see the directory listing.

What can go wrong

  • If you still see a directory listing:
    1. Be sure you refreshed the browser
    2. be sure you uploaded the index.html file into the public_html directory
    3. be sure it was named index.html (all lowercase)

Activity 4: Create A Multi-Page Site


  • The index.html file hides the directory listing.
  • No one can see that your first published page, the FTP_practice.html one, is there
  • They can view it if they type in its complete URL
  • How do you let viewers know the other file is there.
  • You must include a link to it on the index page.

Your tasks :

  1. Edit your index.html file.
  2. Add a paragraph that says "See my other page" and Make the line of text into a link to the FTP_practice.html page--use a relative URL with the href value just the file name.
    <p><a href="FTP_practice.html">>See my other page.</a></p>
  3. Upload the revised index file.
  4. Refresh the browser and test to be sure the link works.
  5. If you make additional changes to your index page, be sure to upload the file again. Your editing changes are only saved locally, not on the server.

Activity 5: Add An Image To Your Index Page

First Computer Mouse
  1. Here is an image of the first computer mouse (1968), in the hand of its inventor, Doug Englebart.
  2. SAVE a copy of the image (right click and choose "Save Image as")
  3. ADD an image tag to your index page so the mouse picture is displayed. Use a relative url (just the file name);
    <img src="mouse.jpg" alt="first 
  4. Upload the page and refresh the browser. Do you see the image?
  5. If you did only these steps, you will not see the image. It needs to be on the server with the document file.
  6. UPLOAD a copy of the image to your public_html directory on wyrd. refresh the browser. You should see the image in the page.

Activity 6: Disconnect FireFTP

  1. When you are through working, always disconnect from the server.
  2. Click "Disconnect" beside the connection name.
  3. If you haven't completed the other activities, come back later to finish them.

Activity 7: Submit Your Page

  1. Validate your page — submit the URL to the validator and correct any errors that are reported.
  2. Complete the lab submission on Blackboard.
  3. In the response box, provide the URL of your page. (You can copy and paste it from the browser.) BE SURE IT IS CORRECT.
  4. Make the URL into a hyperlink — select the URL text and click the chainlink.
  5. You do not need to attach any files.

Guidelines for published assignments

  • Be sure your published web documents are stored inside your public_html directory.
  • Prevent revealing directory listings from showing by putting a file named index.html in new directories inside your public_html.
  • Make sure files names in links are exactly the same as the ones saved - including case.
  • Do NOT use spaces in web file or folder names. Use an underscore (_) to break up parts of a name.
  • Use relative URLs for pages and images that are within the same site as the page that uses them.
  • If you change a file, upload it again.
  • Be sure to upload any images you use. And check to be sure the URLs are correct. I can't see your Z drive!
  • Be sure to disconnect and log off when you are finished.

Evaluation Checklist

  • public_html directory created
  • Extra files uploaded
  • index.html uploaded; correct name & contents
  • image uploaded and shown in page
  • correct URL provided as hyperlink
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Last Modified: 14 July 2015. 13:07