IT581: Practicum in Web Development, Summer 2015 (Hybrid)

Project 1, Make a Personal Site: 100 points, Due: 11:59pm on July 26

For this Project, you will make and publish a personal web site. The specific content is up to you.


Your site should have files for

  1. a home/index page
  2. IT 581 page
  3. an external CSS file
  4. three or more images


Home page

Your home/index page should be laid out with

Your home/index page should have at least the following components:

  1. An appropriate title (in your source code)
  2. An identifying main heading
  3. A horizontal "menubar" (or just a hyperlink) at the top with link to the IT581 page.
  4. A paragraph or two introducing the page, such as who the site belongs to, what course it is for, etc.
  5. At least two other images. You do not need to use a picture of yourself unless you want to.
  6. A column headed "School". For this section
    1. A paragraph or two about your classes or activities.
    2. Incorporate references to several school-related web sites into your narrative text. Make them links to the sites. Your school-related links should include at least Hood College (, the Computer Science Department site (, Blackboard (, and any others you wish
  7. A column headed "Interests". For this section
    1. A paragraph or two about your interests.
    2. Incorporate into your narrative text links to several (at least four) sites that interest you.
  8. A bottom (footer) section spans multiple columns and contains at least a "Comments to" mailto link, and W3C validation badges (and of course the page should validate.)

IT 581 page

Your IT581 page should include:

  1. An appropriate title (in your source code)
  2. An identifying main heading that includes IT 581, Practium in Web Development
  3. A horizontal "menubar" at the top with links to the Labs, Projects, Discussions sections within the page and to the home/index page.
  4. A paragraph or two introducing the page, such as why you are taking this course and what you hope to get out of it.
  5. A section for labs,
    • Create a subfolder called "labs" inside your public_html folder
    • Upload all the labs to this folder
    • List all the labs we have done so far in this section
    • The labs should be hyprerlinked
  6. A section for projects, the same as the section of labs.
  7. A section for discussions
    • a summary discussion of the topics we have covered so far and which ones interest you the most.
    • includes a short paragraph for a few, at least three, key features that you have incorporated into your site
    • This is a free style writing. Write any reflection you have.
  8. A bottom (footer) section that contains at least a "Comments to" mailto link, and W3C validation badges (and of course the page should validate.)


Your site should use an external stylesheet to control the presentation.

General Specifications


Comments to:
Last Modified: 24 July 2015. 10:28